Saturday, December 18, 2010

A few years ago, a friend shared a very helpful way to keep from being overwhelmed by all the artwork the boys create. Because, seriously, between MOPS, church, school and just playing at home, the boys create a lot of masterpieces. Sometimes I actually wish they'd station a recycle bin by the exit doors so parents can discreetly leave some of the fistfuls of papers we get every week (our minivan wishes that, too). While we are faithful to give each piece of art the ooh's and aah's it's due and while we truly are touched by and proud of the effort put into them, it would be pretty well impossible to keep each and every one.

Instead, Brenna's strategy is to keep the most special pieces and take pictures of the others before tossing them.

Anyhow, I'm sharing some personal favorites (that I'm keeping) from recent weeks.

First, here's a photo of some "flowers" Tyler picked for me. The Homeowner's Association is all for "Show Your Mom You Love Her by Picking Her a Weed." I totally love my weed.

The boys love Chuck E. Cheese's photo booths. The problem is the pictures fade within weeks because of the poor ink they use. Tyler has one pretty standard face he makes when getting his picture taken. I simply couldn't let this darling photo fade into history.

Sometimes Noah practices his spelling on construction paper...

That would be his version of "buttocks."

Noah fondly recalls the camping trip we took with some friends.

This is Kennedy, Kendyl and Noah (Tyler is nowhere to be seen because that's how fondly Noah recalls Tyler) dancing to Boom Boom Pow.

And here is a gem Tyler colored. He told me he drew a picture of me and I was so touched because he drew those red roses and hearts to show me what a very loving and loveable Mommy I am.

And then he set me straight and told me, "This is a picture of you yelling when we are being naughty."

I guess if the gigantic red fireball coming out of my head wasn't clear, the crazy eyes should've been a dead giveaway.

But then there are really tender emotions expressed in art and they make up for all the naughty behavior...

And, once in a blue moon, your child may start out writing a letter to one of his grandmothers and instead turn it into a note to you because you let him help you cook dinner.

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