Thursday, June 25, 2009

You Know I'm Bad, I'm Bad


First of all, it's been a sad day with the news of Michael Jackson's passing. His music was such a part of nearly all my growing up years and, though he was, well, different, he was terribly and undeniably gifted. There just aren't many artists that can carry a girl through her elementary, high school, college and young adult years. We've got quite a range of his music on our iPod - 1970s-2001. Also, not many people can sing a song like "Black or White" and actually be both black and white in one lifetime. So, MJ, your talent will be missed greatly. Thanks for singing such awesome songs to me all these years.

And now on to why I need help.

(What kind of segue was that?!)

I need to borrow a teenager next week.

In order to prepare myself for Young Life camp.

Because in a moment of insanity, I agreed to kiss my boys goodbye for ten days, take a 15 hour bus ride to Colorado and be a counselor to a cabin full of hormonal 10th grade girls.

And teen girls are well, different.

Teenagers scare the dickens out of me take some time to figure out and I think borrowing a teenager could be good practice for me. I was a teen once, but I didn't make sense to myself even when I was one.

We've had the fun experience of having my pre-teen cousin stay with us this week. The boys adore her and don't want her to return to Georgia in two weeks. Abbey's awesome. She's staying with my parents for a month and we had her stay with us a week to hang out and go to VBS with us. She's been so much fun.

I think I've figured out why Noah is so nuts about her.

He's a fan of anyone who will play Guitar Hero with him.

Anyway, she's been good experience for me. She's not a teen yet, but she hangs out with teens more than I do, so I've picked up a few things from her. I'm big on list making, so here's the list I've been working on all week.

What Is Cool (According to My Keen Observation of One Pre-Teen)
1. Fall Out Boy
2. Shrugging in response to almost everything
3. Having your bangs conceal half your face so that only one eye is visible at all times

Considering I've spent the past four days with her and this is all I've come up with, I think it's on to Plan B. And that is, I need to borrow your teenager.

I promise feed it and walk it and give it toys to play with. In exchange, it must teach me three or fourteen ways to be cool. Because I think going into camp with a little bit of cool might make me worthy enough to hang with for ten days.

I heard a camp type person use the word, "parental" yesterday. You can tell he's been hanging out with teens just because he used that word. It almost made me shudder because I realize I have a long way to go before I feel comfortable addressing Mr. and Mrs. So-and-So as "the Parentals." "So nice to meet you, Parentals. I'll be taking care of your child for the next ten days. Awesome. Booyah!"

Will these girls want to hang out with me? Will they want to share their deepest, darkest secrets, their crushes, their secret handshakes? Will we paint our nails together as we obsess over what bags to pair with our outfits tomorrow? Can we call each other "girl" as we start each sentence? (Why does it sound like I'm back in high school again?) Will we sit in the same room and send text messages to each other?


Brian thinks I'm worrying too much, but he's just so much more natural with teens. He likes the same music, understands their lingo and, the ultimate way to establish coolness, his name translates easily into a sweet nickname (Breeze). Me, I like preschoolers. They are real, they laugh at my jokes and they don't care what bag to wear with what outfit. Heck, I'm lucky if I can convince mine to wear clothes at all.

My neighbors can attest to that. One neighbor had the unfortunate experience of trying to have a serious conversation with me about missions work the other day when my two year old suddenly pranced out to join us, naked. Completely. AWSM.

Anyway, as much as I'd like to feel like part of the crew, I think I'll just have to accept that it's been a long, long time since my teen years and maybe I'm really just meant to be myself with them. Maybe they don't need another BFF, but maybe they just need to see a young mom trying to follow Jesus the best she can, raise her boys and love her husband well and maybe they just need an extra adult to love and encourage them.

And politely tell them to push their bangs out of their eyes.

If all else fails, maybe I'll just bust out my 1982 Thriller cassette tape and perform a solo rendition of the dance. That was cool during some decade of my life and I'm pretty sure it will make quite the impression on the girls.

They will then return to the Parentals, never to be the same.



Melissa Stuff said...

So THIS is what you meant yesterday about being the opposite of me. I see.

Well, here's my best advice. Don't worry about being "cool." The worst thing you can do is try too hard. The best thing you can do is simply be yourself. The teens don't expect their adult workers to BE teens, but they do want someone who cares about them, is authentic and real and willing to invest time into their lives.

I know you are all of those things and I honestly don't think you will have a problem. Have fun. Seek out "loners" to spend time with if you ever have downtime - you know that old adage about "If you need a friend, be a friend"!

Teenagers will teach you lots, but they really don't need to be feared - just loved and accepted for who they are and encouraged to reach the potential God has placed in them.

Gina said...

I still can't over you talking about Brian speaking teen lingo and understanding teen ways. OMG are we that old? I feel like we were just teens the other day! When did we like, get all adult? :) hahaha

Kim said...

Girl, you are going to be cool simply b/c you are. Just be you. Don't worry about what they are thinking--love Jesus and love them, and the rest will fall into place. Seek to get to know them and just let them see you care (which you of course will b/c you just do care). Jen, I am so proud of you for getting out of the boat and doing this--and I can't wait to hear all about it! LOVE YOU!

My Kids' Mom said...

This is why I keep you girls around. I frequently need people to tell me I'm cool and not to be scared of teenagers. Seriously, I love you girls and appreciate how you ALWAYS step up with words of encouragement. I will survive...

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