Saturday, January 9, 2010

Things I Look Forward To

1. The lighting just before the sun sets.

2. When the boys have finally fallen into slumber and no one needs water, a potty trip, bandaids or anything else they can think of.

3. The day my kids invite Jesus into their heart.

4. Christmas decorations going up! And I am one of those that doesn't mind if they go up the day after Halloween.

5. Spring weather.

6. November 2, 2010. If you have to look up what happens on that date, it's as if you don't know me at all. I'll give you a hint. I just got a little blue card in the mail the other day and it was like I won the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.

7. Massages.

8. The boys' hugs first thing in the morning and after school. Brian's, too.

9. Brian coming home from work. You mommas know what I mean!

10. Vacations.

11. The moment when all the groceries are finally put away instead of sitting on my floor where I dump them after I walk in from an exhausting trip with two rambunctious boys.

12. The day Brian and I can call Dave Ramsey and yell, "We're debt free!" That will be awhile.

13. Hugging my family when I get off that plane in two days...

That last one is second best of all, just behind #3.

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