Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Hey, Hair Guy. Thank you for cutting my hair and giving it some much needed oomph. Brian likes it and says it’s my Jon and Kate haircut. It’s angled into a bob similar to hers, without the spikes. Or the sass. You did well and it’ll be an easy summer ‘do to manage. I do have one little issue to settle with you.

Hair Guy was in the middle of cutting my hair when he suddenly announced I have white hair. Honesty is charming, but so is tact. Based on how he delivered this piece of news, I imagined Cruella De Vil had climbed up into my hair and died there.
So, I freaked out a little calmly asked how many. Hair Guy then announced, “Two or three.”

Oh, really, Cheeky Hair Guy? 'Cause I’m not dropping that extra $50 for you to color two or three strands of hair.

In honor of your snafu, a haiku…

If you see white hairs
Next time specify how much
Before my heart stops.

And, now, a haiku for my white hairs…

Two or three white hairs
Taking over my life head
Ha ha, now you’re red.

Yep, nothing a little Revlon color in a box couldn’t handle.


Melissa Stuff said...

At least your hair is going to be white and not a dirty gray! That's good news right?

Country Asian Guy said...

Try having someone you had a crush on that they found a white hair while running their fingers through your hair... in the 4th grade! And, I have three white hairs that have been my companions for the last two or three years now. Worst part is, they're in a spot that I can actually see them. I like to think they make me look distinguished. Love you. Be back stateside on the 12th.

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