You know what messes a girl up?
PRESCHOOL GRADUATION.Which means this...Handing programs to proud Daddies walking in with armfuls of floral bouquets. Years from now, most of these Daddies will walk into their child's high school graduation in much the same fashion.
Hearing pomp and circumstance as excited kids donning white caps and tassels file into the auditorium.
Watching parents stand to wave to their kids, hoping to catch their eye so they know they have a personal cheering section in the dim auditorium.
Learning Pastor Jeff's words of wisdom from the standpoint of a parent about to launch his daughters into another stage of life when they graduate from high school in three weeks. Hearing his perspective and remembering, yet again, that these moments are too fleeting. Being reminded you can't outsource the spiritual growth of your children; these things must be taught at home. Deuteronomy 6:4-9.
Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance with children I hope will grow to appreciate the sacrifices of all who gave and/or give them the right to an education.
Listening to Elizabeth Smith's tiny voice fill the auditorium with her sweet prayer.
Soaking up Florene's sage words about the importance of a parent impacting their child's spiritual awareness and growth from a young age.
Realizing how much I've come to love each child and accepting that they are being launched into a whole new stage of life. Embracing how thankful I am that these parents entrusted their children to our care and love. Finding myself cheering for and praying over each child on the stage because it's the last gift of impact I can give them.
Witnessing the pride and LOVE of teachers as they hand out diplomas.
Discovering a fresh pimple just above my lip right after I'm done serving the multitudes cookies and lemonade at the post-ceremony reception.
Knowing I devoured two chocolate chip cookies (and it wasn't even my 3:00 crazy hour!) even though I haven't worked out in two days. Unless pushing around a steam cleaner three or four or seven times this last week counts for something. Which I think it should.
But, mostly, this...being smacked in the face with the truth that I have one more year before Noah is up on that stage, white capped and tasseled. One more year to let him just be a kid and not worry about grades, bullies or hearing too much about the facts of life during recess. One more year before he starts kindergarten and, before I know it, 12th grade. One more year before he searches the crowd for his Daddy and me as we frantically wave to get this attention and spotlight his personal cheering section. One more year of realizing how much I love my children and how thankful I am that God entrusted them to my care.
And, if I'm honest, I'll probably have another two cookies at his graduation reception in one more year.
I love you, my little Preschool Friends. It's been a privilege and a blessing to be your fitness teacher. I've loved playing with you and watching you grow and mature this last year. Kindergarten is a big deal, but I hope you still experience joys and live in awe like you did at four and five. I pray your life's journey will be full of joy and blessings and that you will carry with you the affirmation, love and truth you received while at preschool.
These are what messes a girl up.
You know what excites a girl?
Looking out into the dim auditorium and seeing facial features that identify the littlest children as siblings of the graduates. Seeing Collin in his brother's face, John in his sister's face, knowing Sean and Charlize's siblings are in Tyler's class...
Realizing I get to teach some of these precious little siblings next fall!