Thursday, April 9, 2009

They Let Me Make Four Of These?

So, I'm a lover of blogs. Give me side-splitting hilarity or heart-wrenching sadness, I will read your blog. The irony is, my love of blogs hasn't yet translated into a blog of my own. Technically, I guess I own four blogs now. Three were started over the years, but were quickly abandoned. Because I guess I've learned that people only read your blog if you write more than once a quarter. Or, unless you're related to me and then you're obligated no matter what.

Despite three previous attempts at coming up with a clever blog title and taking the time to write an entry or two on each, I've always failed to make it to a third entry. But, I drank Sunkist today and I should know by now that only leads to lying in the dark at midnight, writing blog entries in my head. So now I own four blogs. I've used up four clever blog titles no one else on Blogger can use. And I can't believe Blogger fell for it again.

You will likely see a second blog entry. The test is this, will there be a third?


Country Asian Guy said...

Ah-HA! Now I've made a comment on all of your posts to date! Yarrrr!!!

My Kids' Mom said...

Yea! I have a country Asian pirate commenting on my blog!

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