Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And Then There Were Three...

Oh my. How awful that it's taken two long months to post this. I wrote this over a period of time, but waited to post until I could post birth pics. When Noah was born, we hadn't discovered the world of downloading our pics to our computer. It was like we were in the Dark Ages. It's like we still are because we also don't own a scanner. So, I'm unable to scan birth day pics. Alas, this delay cannot go on any longer. I need the world to know I have two boys whom I love equally and that I didn't forget I gave birth twice.

Because I also need the world to know the reason for my ever expanding girth.

So...two months later...this one's for you, Noah Jack.

My big guy turned five this morning. I looked at him the other day, in total amazement that we had nearly reached five years. Five years ago today, I had no idea what my heart was in for. Neither did my carpets and our walls. But those are stories for another day.

Early in the morning of August 18th, after 13 hours of slow labor, my boy's heart rate kept dropping and we knew it was time to get him out. So, at 6:36 a.m., there he was. Dark haired and plump and looking an awful lot like the baby on Ice Age.

My Noah, how do I summarize you? It's so hard to wrap up all this love I have for you and Tyler and form it into words. Words will never be enough. I've loved you for over 157,680,000 seconds. How do you summarize the way my life, my focus, my heart have changed since 157,680,000+ seconds ago?

You were named for Noah of the Bible. Just as he did, we pray that you will remain steadfast in your faith despite what others around you choose. And though you will make many mistakes in this life, I pray that you will always be rooted in the fact that God loves you and His love is worth standing up for.

Also, if you want to build me a yacht and take me on a 40 day cruise someday, I'm up for that.

As soon as I learned you were a boy, I prayed that you would be determined. Wow, did God answer that prayer. You have one of the most competitive spirits I know. You were crawling by five months and you've pretty much kept going since then! Which didn't make it fun when I wanted you to sit still and let me hold you. I could always tell when you were sick because you actually sat still and let me cuddle you.

This is you less than one month before you began crawling. You were up on all fours, ready to rock. Maybe that bug-eyed blue monster was a good motivator. Cookie Monster does look a little creepy when you don't know who he is.

Thankfully, you have become more affectionate with age. You are so generous with your kisses and hugs and offer those any and every time I ask. You have such a sensitive nature about you. You've long been able to gauge body language and tone pretty accurately. I appreciate that most when I need some help and you take notice. I so love your servant's heart. I think it is my favorite part of your character and something I pray will continue to develop as you age. I hope you will always notice when there is need and take action to serve the best you can.

You possess a real gentleness and a generosity that is rare for your age. I do believe you were created that way and that it's something we have the opportunity to develop in you. I see your sweetness when you smile and coo at babies. This is you and your first cousin, Anna.

And, as for your generosity, here is one example. A swim client's mom gave us some banana pudding. She gave us enough that each of us could have a portion. As you devoured your tasty treat, you asked for more, so I gave you my portion. You took notice and asked what I was going to eat. I tried to pass off your question, knowing what was coming. I just kind of explained that I didn't want any and that you could have mine. You immediately began dishing it back into my bowl, telling me you wanted me to have it. As I tried to give it back to you, you kept insisting that you wanted me to have it. And that is very rare at age four. It is a joy to see that in you. I so pray that you guys will see the world with bigger eyes. That you will see that we should not store up treasures on earth because those will rot away.

Even though you can bully up on your little brother, I see that you are protective when it counts. When he strays too close to the street, I watch you gently usher him back to safety. When Tyler's taken a serious spill , you rush to get him the antibacterial ointment and band aid. I still remember one moment when Tyler was smaller and strapped in his highchair. He got fussy and wanted out. You soothingly told him, "It's okay, Ty-wer. I'm right here." And it pleases me so much to know that, despite the sibling rivalry of youth, you and Tyler will always be there for each other.

Your devotion to the Aggies was instilled at a young age. Even before you knew what an Aggie was, you could sing the Aggie War Hymn and you listened to the Aggie Band CD every night. Actually, you still don't know what an Aggie is, but you are a faithful one. Even when a certain granddad tried to get you to call the Hogs in exchange for an IHOP breakfast recently, you insisted you wouldn't.

Until you finally whispered it under your breath.

It appears your devotion to IHOP is nearly as strong as your devotion to the Aggies. Such stubbornness and appreciation for a good stack of international pancakes devotion comes naturally to you. Still, we know where your truest loyalty lies.

You have had a love of learning all your life. You could recognize most of the alphabet before you were two. I enjoy watching you whisper something I've just told you, memorizing each word and imprinting it in your brain. I feel like I'm actually witnessing some live synapses development going on. You constantly challenge me to realize that kids are capable of learning more than we sometimes give you guys credit for.

And, even though your teachers say you're ready for kindergarten, I'm at peace knowing that this extra year will provide you some time to mature and grow before I have to release you to the world five days a week.

And also before I have to be on time five days a week to avoid contributing to the delinquency of a child in the form of tardiness at school. YIKES.

When I lived in Colorado, school started at 7:15 a.m. God bless your grandparents. I don't know how they did it.

You have the best gut laugh. It just streams out of you and makes me laugh, too. You laugh at the littlest things - a facial expression, someone burping, a jerky body movement...blinking. Just about anything can get a really good gut laugh out of you. I hope you always laugh that easily. It's a good trait to possess. I think you get that from your Dad. It's one of my favorite things about him.

Another one of my favorite things about you?

Your smile...

for the camera...

has vastly improved.





Happy Birthday, Buddy. You have given us thousands of reasons to smile and we love you.


Country Asian Guy said...

Aww! You're a great Mom! I do, however, miss those great smiles of his from back in the day! They were so cute! Love you, Jen! And I love you too lil buddy! Kisses and hugs from your Uncle on the other side of the world!

Country Asian Guy said...

You know...

Looking at his smile over the years makes one wonder...

Could he have just been gassy when you took those pictures?

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