Tuesday, August 25, 2009

What A Friend We Have In Jesus...

Dear God,

I'm burdened tonight. Not sure I can pinpoint why, other than lots of stuff has piled up and I'm sad. I was feeling frustrated about some things earlier. But now I am hurting for some people I love. I chatted with three different friends on Facebook late tonight and I believe you orchestrated that. But, I never seem to know what to say to people who are sad. My words are never adequate when people are hurting. Sometimes there are just no words and no immediate solutions. Sometimes I feel like all I can do is sit silently in the dirt with them, like Job's friends, and just grieve with them.

And that is hard for me, the problem solver.

But, I am thankful tonight for prayers, God. And when I am emptied of words, I love that "the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." I'm so thankful, God, that you are compassionate and that you want us to come to you with what's hurting us.

John 11:35 is one of my favorite verses - "Jesus wept." Because in those two words, I see that your heart hurts with mine. I see that even though our lives are but a blip on the scale of eternity, you still see our individual hearts. You see the personal pain. The stuff that rips so deeply, we have no more words.

And, God, I'm really thankful that you know me so personally and that you love me so richly that I don't always have to have words. You know what's on my heart and you are working on the solutions I can't yet see.

So, God, I lift up my friends and ask that you give them peace and rest tonight and that you sit with them and comfort them. Hold them and let them feel your presence.

God, thank you that we don't always need words.

Just you.



Gina said...

I hope all is well with your friends. I know what you mean about not having the right words for someone in pain. I recently had that situation. Sometimes just letting them know you're there probably means the most.

robert said...

Thanks for your sensitive and personal blog. Often words fail us in situations like you describe. But at such times being there, and being a good listener, is the most comforting and healing thing we can do.

Your site caught my eye today because of your heading. "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was written in Canada by Joseph Scriven. Today is the 190th anniversary of his birth. Check my daily blog, Wordwise Hymns, if you'd like to learn more.

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