Wednesday, September 16, 2009

C is for Cookie

I think Brian is feeling a little sensitive about something.

And I don't blame him. He's got three cookie monsters living in this here house with him.

Cookies don't have a chance in our house. They have been known to disappear within a couple of days. Brian, being gone most of the day, misses out on his fair share.

And that makes him sensitive.

I baked a small batch after the kids were in bed. He told me he was going to put them up where the boys couldn't reach them.

I had no idea he meant 8 feet off the floor.

Frankly, I'm feeling a little sensitive myself. This goes beyond even my natural reach. I think he's trying to send a message as he seems to have gone through great lengths to make them inaccessible to even me.

I mean, you can't just reach the top of our cabinets unless you are Manute Bol or unless you have maneuvered your way onto the counter tops and then stood up to place the cookies above the cabinets.

I know this because I copied the maneuver later that night. Think he'll notice a missing cookie?


Danielle said...

That story is so funny because it is so true. There were four of us kids in my house growing up and cookies or anything like it didn't last-I'd venture to say a day! My Dad would do the exact same thing...hide cookies, or dessert, or whatever somewhere where we couldn't find it so he would have a chance to have some himself. We often "found" them, but knew far better than to mess with the special stash. :)

Gina said...


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