Monday, September 28, 2009

Noah Speaks Seuss

Imagine my delight when Noah opened a Dr. Seuss book and declared he would read to me last night. Imagine my surprise when he actually read big words I didn't realize he could conquer.

Oh boy, the joy when, oh that brain, they do employ! Wringle, wrangle, wrum, bang on a drum. A good book I do enjoy, when night has fallen and the toys are done.

In other words, I'm loving watching him fall in love with reading!


Country Asian Guy said...

Okay, first off: YAY! Mad props to my boi NJ for his mad reading skills son! And second off: at 00:28, does Tyler say, "I gotta sleep for my health."? Because that is just too cute if he did. And thirdly: 01:09 "Hey! That all rhymes!" Give the lad a big hug from his favorite half-blood Uncle! Love y'all.

Gina said...

i love how t keeps telling N to stop talking :) Is that what he said? It's kind of loud around here. Can't wait until Zanes a reader!

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